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The Story of Garam Masala

A close up image of an open jar of Garam Masala spice blend.

The History of Garam Masala

The Story of Garam Masala dates back to the 13th century and the Mongol Empire. 

Garam Masala translates to hot spice mix, but is not a spicy or hot blend as we describe spicy in the western world.

Rather the translation of hot refers to the belief that these spices have the capacity to raise body temperature through the process of speeding up metabolism. This warming capacity is important in the Northern regions of India as the weather can become cold and bracing. 

It has since spread throughout many regions of India, Pakistan, and Iran where it seems to be an expected pantry ingredient in every household!  

What is Garam Masala or Masala Garam?

As with many traditional spice blends around the world, this Indian spice blend has many versions. Recipes can include five ingredients or as many as thirty– or of course, somewhere in between! Garam Masala ingredients vary depending on who is making it and what is available. 

Usually in the United States, you will find Garam Masala powder, but in India it is common to find this spice blend in whole spice form. Or even blended with coconut and chiles creating a paste. 

SpiceTopia’s Garam Masala recipe is a blend of these garam masala ingredients:

And we hand blend our Garam Masala with certified organic spices. Garam Masala is a  salt-free, vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO spice mix.

What Does Garam Masala Taste Like?

Since there are so many versions of Garam Masala, there is no definitive taste, but SpiceTopia’s Garam Masala is a complex mix with

  •  sweet notes from cinnamon
  • a bit of sharpness from peppercorns
  • notes of bitterness and sweetness from the cumin and clove
  • tanginess and citrus notes from the coriander 
  • and a fragrant sweetness from the cardamom

SpiceTopia’s Garam Masala recipe is a Punjabi recipe. Further south in India, you will find spicier, bolder versions which include chiles as well as black mustard seed. 

How is Garam Masala different from Curry Powder?

While garam masala and curry powder are both considered Indian spice blends, they are very different. Curry powder often contains turmeric as well as ginger which is never found in Garam Masala. 

Also keep in mind that Garam Masala is a traditional Indian spice with a long history throughout many regions of the Indian subcontinent. Curry powder was created specifically for the British and Portuguese colonizers to try and mimic the complex flavors found in Indian cuisines.  

Looking to learn more about curry powder? 

How To Use Garam Masala?

Garam Masala can be used to season a dish at the start of cooking, in the middle of cooking, and at the end of the cooking process! No matter when you add this blend, it will add an aromatic delicate flavor. 

Do keep in mind that Garam Masala has a vibrant aromatic flavor, but is actually  a combination of several delicate spices. It isn’t necessary to temper the spices in oil or cook for an extended time to meld and bring out the flavors. 

Our Favorite Recipes That Use Garam Masala

Garam Masala goes well with meat and fish dishes as well as vegetarian and vegan dishes. It adds a lovely depth of flavor to lentil and bean dishes. We also enjoy adding it to desserts where the warming spices really shine.

Garam Masala Recipes

Wondering Where To Buy Garam Masala?

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